Shared hosting is one of the most used formulas for hosting websites and domains. They are generally formed by a single machine, which acts as a server, where the different accounts of different clients of the same hosting provider are hosted. In many circumstances, the provider from whom we contract the hosting only sells it and does not directly manage the server. This would be located in a data center that would have been contracted, perhaps through another intermediary.
In any case, it is key to understand that shared hosting is not the only way to host your website. Many companies are betting on cloud solutions such as VPS, dedicated servers, or cloud servers. In any case, it would be good for you to know what are the advantages and disadvantages of using shared hosting.
It should not be said, per se, that shared hosting is neither good nor bad; it depends on what we want to use it for. For certain projects it is obviously scarce; for others, it offers plenty of space and resources. The important thing is to determine what characteristics the project will have and what requirements it implies.
Disadvantages of shared hosting
Before mentioning the disadvantages or negative points of shared hosting for some projects, we must clarify something that may be obvious to you, but not everyone is clear about it. Shared hosting offers complete independence in the administration of your FTP hosting. You hire a shared hosting and your data is completely private. You won’t see or modify other clients’ folders out there, nor will anyone else see yours.
Having clarified this point, what we mean when we say that the hosting is shared is that the files are located on the same server. Therefore, the RAM, the CPU, and the hard disk are shared among the different clients. This means that, sometimes, if there are many simultaneous connections on the websites of that server, this will consume RAM, and some websites with many visits may take a long time to load.
It is for this reason that many companies prefer to use other hosting solutions: for example, in the case of VPS, these have isolated resources, and even if there are many simultaneous connections, your server will work as if the others did not exist. Even so, sometimes the problem with a VPS is that it offers little space and little RAM compared to a server. If you are going to require a lot of resources, we recommend dedicated servers in Spain so that everything works well. It is very important that it is located in Spain if you and most of your users are from Spain.

This is the main negative aspect of shared hosting: when there is a lot of traffic, the server performance can never be the same. That is why we recommend that if you are going to use your hosting to install an application with many users, or a blog with exponential growth, study the other hosting options, which will be more suitable for you.
What is so good about shared hosting?
Not everything is negative about shared hosting. But that does not mean that they are all good. There are many free hosting where the user has no control over the web hosting. He cannot upload files, install an application, or configure several domains. This is the case of platforms where everything is already taken care of, such as Blogger or Weebly.
There nothing depends on you; the owners of these programs can modify the software interface, you can not add new files for your website or blog, everything is already configured. We refer to a shared hosting where you can upload files you want to configure your blog in WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, or other CMS.
If we choose this option, which is the one used by experienced bloggers, we can benefit from multiple advantages, which we explain below.
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